Balloon Release Ban Bill


Balloon looking like squid or jellyfish, Kahuku Shredded balloons and plastic ribbon on Kahuku shoreine
Mass balloon release at Nanakuli Beach 2020

FINAL HEARING for SB347 banning balloon releases statewide!

Help us pass SB347 SD1, a bill to ban balloon releases statewide introduced by Senator Gabbard. This bill has passed the Senate, passed the first committee in the House and now is up for final hearing on Tuesday 30th March, 2021 at 2pm in the Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs (JHA). The hearing will take place via zoom and can be watched live on the internet. Please send in testimony in support of this bill no later than Monday 29th March 2pm.

This bill matters to the survival of marine life such as albatrosses, sea turtles and other animals. Balloons are lethal and one of the most harmful types of marine debris. Balloons are litter that is originating locally. SB347 SD1 can put a stop to this litter at the source and save lives. Last year there was a mass balloon release on Oahu at Nanakuli Beach Park where over 2000 balloons were released also people release balloons on mass to celebrate graduations. Action is needed to protect marine animals from horrible, painful deaths due to balloon litter. Please share on social media and encourage your friends and family to support this bill also. Thank you for taking action.


How to do testimony:

Submitting testimony is easy and will only take 5 minutes. First register (top right corner) at:

Next, click “Submit Testimony” button on the bill page (this page also has the PDF of the bill):

Instructions for filling out online testimony form to support SB347:

Testifying on behalf of - individual (only put organization if you are representing an organization)
Testifier position - SUPPORT
Select whether or not testifying at the meeting
Then either: upload a file with your testimony OR type your testimony in the comments box
Press next and your done!

(see screenshot below of what the online form looks like)

Please see below what to include if you are attaching testimony. If you don't have time, just fill out the basic info. and click "Support" and submit or add a quick comment such as please pass this bill and amend to "effective upon approval", save our sea turtles etc. If you do have time, write something from the heart. Use the heading below to start your testimony.

IMPORTANT: Please do not copy and paste without removing the instructions (in red) or filling in the blanks. Thanks!

To: Chair Nakashima, Vice-Chair Matayoshi, and Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs Committee Members
(your first and last name)
Re: Testimony in Strong Support of SB347 SD1 Relating to Litter Control
Hearing: Tuesday 30th March, 2021 at 2pm, via video conference

Aloha Chair Nakashima, Vice-Chair Matayoshi and Committee Members,

My name is
_______________ (if a school student, put how old or what grade you are in) and I am a resident of _______________ (be specific where you live eg. Kailua, Makiki, Manoa etc.). I am writing in strong support of SB347 SD1 banning balloon releases.

(Write about why you think it is important to ban balloon releases such as saving sea turtles. Do you have first hand experience seeing people release balloons? or have found some on the beach? If so, please incude your experience in your testimony)

Please ask for this amendment (as the HD1 version has it starting in 2050):
I would appreciate it if you could please amend this bill to the SD1 version which states "This Act shall take effect upon its approval".

Thank you for this opportunity to provide written testimony in strong support of SB347 SD1.

(your name).

Coral Photograph Credit to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce and Dr. James P. McVey. Dolphins, Japanese Angelfish, Green turtle, and Laysan Albatross photos by James Watt. Humpback whale photo by James Mobeley

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